1. Long-term car leasing

The first bank, government units, long-term car rental, creating Taiwanese enterprises, renting and buying car operating value

  • Flexible funds
    There is no need to use large sums of money for car purchases, to effectively master the budget, and the funds can be used flexibly.
  • Legal tax saving
    The rent is legally listed as an expense report, saving the company a large amount of tax.
  • Convenient management
    From the choice of models, purchase and licensing, insurance, maintenance and repair, illegal treatment, annual inspection, brand fuel tax, accident handling, insurance claims and various expenses management, the sale of medieval vehicles, etc., all handled by the car rental company, Provide administrative efficiency of the institution.
  • Security service
    Exemption from various changes and control of risk exposure, and transfer of accident risk liability insurance. And Pony can provide the largest operating scale and more, faster and better MFG quality service in the country.


Since 1989, we have provided over one thousand customers, nearly 20,000 long-term rentals, professional experience, and sincerely waiting for you.